应用 APPLICATIONS 截止阀结构的平衡阀,用于热水循环系统 Globe style balancing valve for use in hot water circulation systems 在设定温度下,为所有卫生洁具和设施提供适当数量的水 Provides adequate amounts of water at prescribed temperatures to all fixtures and equipment 平衡阀将所需的流量分配到系统的各个地方 Balancing valves provide desired flow distribution throughout the system 一个经过适当测量和平衡的系统,在节约能源的同时,提供一个经济有效的热源 A properly sized and balanced system will provide an economic and efficient heat source while conserving energy 0.5加仑/分钟流量 0.5 GPM Flow Rate 240 PSI至250oC 240 PSI to 250oF 材料和结构 MATERIALS & CONSTRUCTION 抗脱锌黄铜阀体、阀帽和阀内件 Dezincification resistant brass body, bonnet and trim 两个整体测试点 Two integral test ports 止动记忆功能 Memory stop feature 手轮上的位置显示窗口 Position display window on handwheel 设计标准 DESIGN CRITERIA ANSI B1.20.1 (NPT端口) ANSI B1.20.1 (NPT ends) ANSI B16.18 (承插端口) ANSI B16.18 (Solder ends) |