执行标准:GB/T1226-2001 Executive standard: GB/T1226-2001
精度:1.5 级Accuracy: 1.5%
测量范围:0.16、0.25⋯⋯6MPa、10MPa Ranges: 0.16、0.25⋯⋯6MPa
环境温度:-20~+60℃ Ambient temperature: -20~+60℃
介质温度:小于60℃ Media temperature: less than 60℃
安装形式:径向直接安装Mounting: bottom directly mounting
(前带边及后带边可选) (with front or back flange available )
过程连接:M20 × 1.5 螺纹(其他螺纹可选) Process connection: M20 × 1.5 (Other screw as request)
防护等级:IP45 Protection class: IP45
接头材质:铜合金Connection material: Copper alloy
波登管材质:铜合金Bourdon tube: Copper alloy
焊接:锡焊Welding: Tin-welding
表壳材质:黑钢壳(喷塑) Case material: Black steel (enameled)
密封圈、防爆塞材质:耐油橡胶Sealing circle and blow out vent material: Rubber
表玻璃:3mm 平板玻璃Window: 3mm plain glass
(有机玻璃、双层安全玻璃可选) (Organic or double layers available)
机芯:铜合金Movement: Copper alloy
指针:铝,黑色和红色Pointer: Aluminium, black and red color