环境温度: -50~80℃ Working temperature:
重复性误差: 量程的± 1%(± 1% of range),个别量程± 1.5% Set-point error:
外壳材质: 压铸铝合金,喷涂环氧树脂(die cast aluminum, epoxy coated) Enclosure:
1 or 2 SPDT switches output, wired either Normal-Open or Normal-Closed
Switch output:
1 or 2 DPDT switches output, wired either Normal-Open or Normal-Closed
额定电流: 15A125/250/480VAC 阻性负载(15A 125/250/480 VAC resistive) Electrical rating:
重量: 约1.6KG(因型号而异)(1.6 KG approx, depending on models) Weight:
NPTF3/4"(需配相同防爆等级的密封填料涵)(NPTF 3/4" (sealing
Electrical connection:
media of the same explosion-proof rating is required))
压力接口: 标准螺纹详见感压器图Pressure connection: refer to pressure sensor diagram
防震: 2.5G,5 — 500Hz Vibration-proof:
外壳防护IP65 Enclosure