(e) is a comprehensive instrument used for making analog measurements on a network in the range of 200Hz to 1500KHz, which include a Wideband Transmission Test Set, Digital Multimeter, Selective Level Meter, DTMF Decoder, and Telephone Handset - all in an easy-to-use instrument at a price you can afford. The MT1586(e) conforms to North American IEE74IEEE743-1995 and ITU-TO series.The MT1586(e) is designed for today's field test requirements and for pre-qualifying XDSL lines, testing 2 & 4-wire circuit integrity, installation & commissioning of POTS, Pair-gain, DDS, ISDN, HDSL, G.lite, and ADSL circuits.
Application :
Qualifying, commissioning, maintaining and troubleshooting:
PSTN voice circuits
XDSL circuits
Measuring important parameters from ITU-T O. series and IEEE743-1995
Detecting interference from powerline harmonics
Monitoring wideband impulse noise
Testing residential services