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  • 产品编号:MK-0013400013439
  • 产品名称:钳型万用表
  • 产品型号:MX 670
  • 产品铭牌:CA
  • 所属类别:万用表
  • 生产产地:法国
  • 浏览次数:853
  • 网上售价:特殊规格~请来电咨询 VIP会员价:请登陆
The MX 670 can be used to measure AC intensities. In multimeter mode, the MX 67
The MX 670 can be used to measure AC intensities.
In multimeter mode, the MX 670 measures voltages (AC & DC) and resistances, as well as testing diodes and continuity. In addition, it also determines the frequencies of the voltages and currents.
Temperature measurement is possible with the K thermocouple sensor, covering a range from –40 °C to +1200 °C.
Additional specifications:
AC current: 0.05 to 1,000 A (2 calibres)
DC voltage: 0.2 to 1,400 V (2 calibres)
AC voltage: 0.5 to 1,000 V
Resistance: 0.2 W to 10 kW (2 calibres)
Frequency A: 10 Hz to 4 kHz (1 calibre)
Frequency V: 10 Hz to 10 kHz (2 calibres)
Diode test and audible continuity
HOLD, MIN, MAX, Peak and DZero functions
Clamping diameter 42 mm
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