
  • 产品编号:HK-013803
  • 产品名称:光功率模块
  • 产品型号:FlexPoint 1230 Series
  • 产品铭牌:ALPHA
  • 所属类别:模块
  • 生产产地:英国
  • 浏览次数:1143
  • 网上售价:特殊规格~请来电咨询 VIP会员价:请登陆
Telecommunications grade power system provides 30W of 12Vdc primary and standby

The FlexPoint 1230, 30Watt, 12Vdc standby power supply is an environmentally hardened standby power supply intended to be placed in indoor or outdoor in sheltered locations providing the service provider flexibility in locating the product. The FP1230 is compact allowing placement in the most densely populated structured medial enclosures. The FP1230 includes a unique emergency battery reserve function that provides greater lifeline service availability by preserving 25% of the usable battery capacity for user initiated emergency telephone calls. User interfaces include visual status indicators, audible alarms, silence alarm button and an auxiliary 12VDC power input port allowing additional battery capacity to be added for longer standby runtimes.
Input OPS Specifications
AC Input Voltage
120VAC or 240VAC
AC Input Frequency
Surge Protection
ANSI/IEEE Std. C62.41 to Category A, B, or C requirements, using a “Ring Wave” or “Combination” waveform, at a level of 6kV
Output Specifications
Operational Output Power
30W max. continuous (ONT load + battery charge + heater)
Output Voltage
12VDC Nominal (Battery voltage upon loss of AC)
Output Power Loading
Following GR-909 telephone lines in various states, e.g., ringing, off-hook,on-hook, data, and video operation requirements.
Auxiliary Input Voltage
10.5 to 20.0VDC


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